September 15, 2021SEALAB’s activities in Myanmar are resuming after being temporarily suspended as the national health system was impacted by the recent political and social changes, while continuing to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.
In this context, the SEALAB project’s mission has shown its relevance in supporting the country’s health system. As a result, the Australian government confirmed its commitment to help the local population. The project has been redefined to adapt to the complex situation and meet the needs of the country. An amended work-plan has been validated by DFAT for Myanmar, stressing the need for mapping the activities of operational laboratories and setting up an interactive knowledge platform to provide information and training to perform lab testing.
The two main components of the project which is being conducted as a pilot phase until the end of 2021 include:
The SEALAB team of the Mérieux Foundation in Myanmar is now fully operational and highly motivated!