QMS training and mentoring program on track in Cambodia


August 22, 2021
Views: 753

NRL organized a virtual session to recap the agenda of the training and mentoring to be delivered in the upcoming months and took this opportunity to summarize the 5-day Quality Management Systems Workshop delivered in May-June 2021. The laboratory managers and personnel involved in quality management from the 5 hospitals selected by the SEALAB project, participated in this online meeting.

The program will start in mid-August 2021 and will be completed in August 2022.

Four training sessions will be organized. The NRL will deliver one training course every 2 months on:

  • Process mapping
  • Quality indicators
  • Critical control points
  • Staff meetings and management review

The organization of the training is closely correlated to traveling restrictions due to COVID-19 contamination trends. Sandy, Vee and Innocent, NRL trainers, are based in Australia and cannot expect to travel to Cambodia in the next months. For this reason, the NRL has thoroughly reviewed the training materials to adapt them to a virtual mode and has already demonstrated that it works well. Online training sessions can actually be interactive and participative and additionnaly it allows more experts to intervene. However the Mérieux Foundation will try to bring together trainees from the 5 hospitals to promote networking between “Quality Champions”.

On the other hand, the mentoring sessions will be organized on a one-on-one basis to better tailor the support to the particular needs of each laboratory and to better support the implementation and/or improvement of their respective processes. Five topics will be scrutinized:

  • Risk management
  • Internal auditing
  • Management
  • Resolving non-conformances: root cause analysis (RCA), Corrective and preventive actions: Corrective Action Request (CAR) and Identification of opportunities for improvement
  • Process mapping for planning and improvement

Download the presentation summarizing the Quality Management System Workshop

This virtual meeting was the opportunity to introduce Mr. Innocent Mupunga and Mrs. Vee Armstrong who just joined the NRL to reinforce the team in charge of implementing SEALAB quality component.

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